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His Mother Is A Modern Dancer And His Father Is A Book Publisher And He Was Born And Raised In New Jersey.
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Ezra Calls Himself Jewish And A Spiritual Person.
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He Dropped Out Of His College When Beethoven Came Into His Dream.
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Ezra Has A High Cheek Bone, A Perfect Jawline And Has A Great Body Structure.
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He Said That, I Don't Identify As A Women, Nor As A Man And I Barely Identify Myself As A Human As He Is A Queer.
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Ezra Is Also A Part Of A Band Named, “Sons Of An Illustrious Father."
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Miller Just Hates Cell Phones, He Says That I Can Feel The Vibes When It's Around.
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Ezra And Zoë Kravitz Were In A Relationship Since 2010 And People Called Them The Hottest When They Were Together, May That's Why Now They Broke Up..
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Ezra Believes That A Person Should Be His/ Her Best Friend, A Lover, Your Best Protector And You've Won The Game Of Life.
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